BATWK Membership
Why become a member?
Join BATWK to receive the the following membership benefits:
Invite to AGM to help shape BATWK policies
Access to comprehensive bloodlines database
Subscription to Australian Working Stock Dog Magazine (worth £30)
Register all dogs for free on BATWK database
20% off BATWK training clinics
Hospitality at events (NSA, Beef Expo & local shows)
Advertise stud dogs, started dogs, older trained/part trained dogs for sale
In order to become a member, you must purchase a paid plan, on the join now link below. Signing up online without paying your membership fee does not make you a member of BATWK.
BATWK is a non-profit committee led organisation governed by a constitution, full voting rights are given to all paid up members and an invitation to the AGM. Our constitution can be found here.
£10 per pup
Register your litter with BATWK, alongside the sire and dam, here.
You must already be registered as a breeder, which you can do using the link below.
Become a member of BATWK and receive all of the benefits listed above. Join below.
Advertise as a breeder on the BATWK website, facebook page and in the newsletter. You are required to be a member of BATWK. Join below.
All of the benefits of a standard membership at half the price for under 21's.
You will also receive a 50% discount to all clinics. Join below.