In order to register a litter of pups with BATWK, you are required to be registered as a breeder and have read through and agreed to the Breeders Charter. You can join as a breeder here. You can view the Breeders Charter here.
When you are registered as a breeder, you can use the form to register your litter of pups. We require video footage of both parents working, and expect that parents work stock regularly. This needs to be emailed separately to
Ideally, parents should be health tested (have had hips x-rayed and their CA status known). We can help organise this if required.
It is £10 per pup to register a litter of pups, payment can be made online to the following bank details:
Bank Name: British Association of True Working Kelpies
Account Number: 4425 6460
Sort Code: 30-91-91
Please put your breeders prefix as the reference, and inform us via email at once you have made the payment.
Litter registration form (word doc) complete and return by email